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Climate Change

Our focus has evolved along with our growing partnerships with Media & Entertainment professionals – bringing the Group to the forefront of digital innovation as we transformed to a low-carbon intensity company.

Climate Change Strategy and Goals

Climate change is integrated into our business strategy along one primary axis : infrastructure and technology improvements – seeking out improved efficiencies in technology or human process/behavior – to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or to maintain performance when faced with climate impacts.

We are also preparing our facilities to mitigate the material effects of climate change (principally severe weather episodes such as heavy rainfalls and flooding) by putting in place prevention programs and adapting emergency action and contingency plans.

Technicolor Group has established the following goals and objectives for the Group with respect to Climate Change, to be met by worldwide operations by the end of 2026:

The Group presents, in its Annual Report and in its Sustainability Report, an overview of the activities that Technicolor Group is taking to fulfill its responsibilities as a global corporate citizen with respect to Climate Change.

Carbon Emissions

Every year, Technicolor Group participates in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) – a not-for-profit organization which promotes the exchange of best practices and fosters dialogue around Climate Change issues. The Group is also preparing its submission for 2022 of a carbon trajectory to the Science Based Targets initiative (STBi).

The Group’s first carbon footprint assessment was published in 2008. Beyond direct emissions (Scope 1) and indirect emissions (Scope 2), the most significant contributions to other indirect (Scope 3) greenhouse gas emissions come from, in decreasing significance:

(i) employee commuting,
(ii) business travel,
(iii) and energy consumption in data centers supporting all businesses and functions within Technicolor Group.

Emissions disclosure is available on the CDP’s website:

Renewable Energy

As part of its pledge to conduct business safely and responsibly, Technicolor Group has always measured and sought to reduce its environmental impact.

The industrial footprint of the Group continues to transform away from energy-intensive processes due to industry closures in glass, tubes, and motion picture film, and our non-industrial footprint continues to grow in digital media and the cloud.

As a result, our energy focus has evolved toward a growing emphasis on renewable energy as a larger percentage of electricity consumed at all Group sites.

Energy Savings Initiatives

Sites try to reduce their energy consumption locally. Typical efforts involve:

Many initiatives take place every year at the site level to reduce carbon emissions and implement energy saving initiatives.

For more information on our Climate Change initiatives, please refer to our CSR Documentation section.

CSR Documentation

See the list of documents available for download. Due to the recent name change, some of the Technicolor Group policies and charters will continue to appear under the Technicolor logo until they are updated.