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Health & Safety at Work

Managing Health & Safety

At the Technicolor Group, we believe an effective occupational Health and Safety (H&S) program looks beyond the requirements of the law and compliance issues. It should address all hazards – from general workplace to specific job-related – and aim higher to prevent injuries and illnesses. At a minimum, there must be provisions for systematic identification, evaluation, and prevention or control of any potential hazards that may arise from foreseeable conditions.

Our Health and Safety programs are designed to identify potential risks and take appropriate measures to prevent them or reduce their severity. Accident and injury prevention programs include:

In industrial locations, we focus on the prevention of physical injury by reducing hazards around operational areas and warehouses. At non-industrial sites, initiatives and programs have been implemented to improve working conditions, address specific risks, and promote well-being while ensuring safety of the workplace.

Goals and Objectives

Technicolor Group established the following Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) goals and objectives for the Group with respect to Safety at work, to be met by its worldwide operations by the end of 2022:

Charter, Policies and Guidelines

Standards and direction begin with Technicolor Group’s Code of Ethics, and then flow to the HSE Charter for health, safety and environmental matters, which affirms our commitment to conduct business in a safe and responsible manner and to protect employees in their daily work.

A library of more than 50 HS&E Policies and Guidelines contains our Health and Safety policy and supporting topics such as hazard communication, personal protective equipment, and emergency preparedness.

The HSE Charter has been translated in nine languages and is available on the Group’s Intranet, along with all HS&E policies and guidelines.

Training People to Enhance Safety

Every employee has an impactful role to play in our HS&E efforts and performance, so it is critical that they have the appropriate tools, resources and knowledge.

Every year, HS&E documented training is provided to employees and contractors throughout Technicolor Group on a wide variety of topics, including: environmental and safety compliance and protection; injury prevention; emergency preparation and response; and occupational health issues. HS&E training programs develop awareness and skills that allow our employees and contractors to perform their jobs in compliance with appropriate laws, regulations and policies, and so that they can prevent accidents which may lead to injuries or harm to the environment.

Audits and Assessment of Health & Safety Performance

A comprehensive corporate audit program was implemented in 1996 to review the Group’s industrial locations’ compliance with Corporate HS&E Policies and Guidelines and specific applicable HS&E laws and regulations. The audit program has also been a valuable tool for:

TechTechnicolor Group conducts audits of industrial and non-industrial sites every year, with the objective of monitoring all locations at least every three years. Audits include physical inspections of the location, review of documents and records, and examination of activities within the HS&E scope.

Technicolor Group-specific audit protocols help ensure and maintain consistency in approach while also bringing renewed focus to key corporate requirements. These protocols also include location-specific regulatory and business requirements. Issues and recommendations identified during the audit process are reviewed and discussed with members of the location’s management team. Potential improvements are identified and evaluated, and appropriate action plans are developed.

For more information on our Health & Safety initiatives, please refer to our CSR Documentation section.

CSR Documentation

See the list of documents available for download. Due to the recent name change, some of the Technicolor Group policies and charters will continue to appear under the Technicolor logo until they are updated.