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Celebrating our Women in Science | Meet Dipta Sasmal, Junior Artist, Match Move/Roto Anim

February 15, 2023

Dipta Sasmal, Junior Match Move/Roto Anim Artist at MPC, was introduced to the VFX and Animation in high school and never looked back!

We invite you to learn more about our talented artists who’ve joined Technicolor Group through our Academy and find out what makes them so excited to be in VFX and Animation, and #WomenInScience.

How were you first introduced to visual effects and animation?

I attended an Animation seminar when I was in 12th grade, where I was introduced to VFX and Animation. After that I found more information on the internet, and I was intrigued by the industry.

Why did you decide to pursue a career in VFX and animation?

Over the past few years, there has been a significant change in entertainment. VFX has transformed the industry by creating incredible effects that are hard to believe exist. VFX is one of the fastest-growing sectors globally now and it offers a huge scope for growth and rewards to build a career in Animation and VFX, and this helped influence me to pursue it!

What would your dream project be?

My dream project would be a Marvel or DC movie, because these form our modern-day mythology, which anyone of any age can get lost in. Superhero stories are simply timeless, and Marvel pioneered the story of the relatable hero. Take Spider-Man, an awkward teenage boy who came to grips with his responsibilities because of his powers. Working on one of these stories would be amazing!

Discover more about our People and Culture and what it is to work inside Technicolor here.


to work on award-winning projects.