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Inside Technicolor | Vichar BN, Art Director at Technicolor Games  

September 7, 2022

We’re lifting the lid on what it’s like to work Inside Technicolor. Get to know Vichar BN, Art Director as he talks us through his experience and favorite projects to be a part of at Technicolor Games. 

Tell us about your favourite project from Technicolor Group & why you’ve chosen it? 

I’ve worked on a plethora of projects throughout my career, and each one has taught me so much and developed my skills. It’s hard to choose, but if I had to, I would say Assassins Creed and FIFA have had the biggest impact on me so far

Assassins Creed simply because the opportunity to work on this incredible IP allowed me to become part of another world, to recreate it, and in a way teleport to the very depths of the Greek history, while digitally chiselling the most incredible monumental sculptures from that time.

I’d also say being part of FIFA since 2008 has been a great experience because we are no longer just creating ‘faces’ but creating entire characters with emotions and personalities, there is great depth to each character we work on.

How would you describe what you do to someone who has never heard of it? 

In a very simple manner, I would explain that I first create inanimate objects and then I give them life! I am not calling myself “Aham Brahmasmi” (I am divine) just that, my passion is bringing these characters to life.

Why did you get into the visual effects industry?  

I was (and still am) fascinated when I give life to characters. To have an opportunity to give an audience a glimpse to my mind I hope would invariably inspire others to push the boundaries of their own imagination.

The Games and VFX industry give me the medium I can achieve this.  

If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?  

I would have first taught myself the “importance of learning”, I would then go one step further and taught myself “how to learn”. 

I would encourage my younger self to not just study art, but to holistically understand it and develop my vision across the aesthetics of each piece.

What excited you the most about working at Technicolor Group? 

I believe TTechnicolor Group is the perfect amalgamation of culture and art. 

That is why it has become a pilgrimage for artists of many backgrounds and skillsets to work, learn and evolve together.  

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to work on award-winning projects.