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Our presence at Norwegian University of Science and Technology

October 14, 2022

Hi John Frith, can you tell us about your presence at NTNU this year

I am an Imaging Architect at Technicolor Group and Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) are one of few establishments in Europe that provide high level education in Image Engineering and Colour Science. I was invited to attend their ‘Industry Day’ in September 2022, in which industry partners are invited to present to NTNU students to provide awareness of Imaging and Colour Science career opportunities.  

We are also hoping to establish closer ties going forward, and are looking into the possibility of setting up an internship program. 

Tell us about the technology behind color management/color science 

Our roll as Imaging engineers at Technicolor Group is predominately colour management. The main threads to this are; Supporting the colour management needs of all Technicolor Group business units, setting up custom colour pipelines for each and every Film & Episodic project, providing expert consulting for Advertising as and when colour management challenges arise, evaluating emerging display technologies, ensuring accurate calibration of all displays. Colour management/Colour Science is niche area and can be a complex topic. Naturally our clients expect us to have expertise in this area, after all, we are TechniCOLOR. Imaging Engineers provide this expertise to help ensure we remain market leaders. 

Tell us about the Colour Science course at NTNU 

NTNU provides a two year masters program in Computational Colour & Spectral Imaging (COSI) – this is highly specialized course that covers a broad range of industry applications, including; medical imaging, manufacturing, entertainment, and much more. NTNU is recognized in colour science circles as a leading academic institution, and regular contributor to cutting edge research in the field of Colour science. Students leave NTNU with a deep understanding of colour science, which stands them in good stead for a career as an Imaging Engineer. 

Explore the NTNU COSI Master.

Contact John Frith to learn more about Imaging and Colour Science at Technicolor Group, email 

Explore career opportunities at Technicolor Group here.


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