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The Academy | Ahmad Hamidullah, Environments Trainer

January 23, 2023

This series unfolds our Academy trainers’ journey to Technicolor Group. Highlighting industry experts who bring their real-life experiences to recent graduates who want to break into the VFX industry.

Hi Ahmad! Can you tell us a bit about your background? 

I started as an assistant architect in the architecture industry, dealing with authorities, blueprints, plans, and 3D visualization. Over time, I was doing more 3D stuff than the technical CAD drawings. It lead to the discovery of my passion in 3D and shifted interest to pursue my journey in media and entertainment. I got a chance to work in animation, commercials, tutoring in between and got a break into VFX as a texture artist. 

What drew you to Environment? 

Part of it is because of my love for architecture and landscape photography. Seeing the immersive environments in Avatar (2009) for the first time in IMAX 3D plays a huge role too. 

How would you explain what Environment is to someone who has never heard of it? 

Environments in VFX is akin to furniture in a room. It tells you the theme or style of the room, a space definition, or simply a place for gathering. You can mix and match different furniture or just leave it bare, minimal, and purely functional. It can be a main attraction or be an insignificant feature that a room will feel inadequate without. You can always stay in an empty room looking at the void, but it will get boring quite quickly. I hope you get my metaphor. 

Talk us through one or two of your favorite projects from Technicolor Group (e.g. an MPC movie) and explain why you have chosen them… 

Too many to choose! But my personal favorite from recent years would be The Jungle Book (2016) and The Lion King (2019). The Jungle Book for its seamless integration of all the elements. The Lion King for its technical and perfect execution that makes me forget that I was watching a fully animated 3D movie.  

What’s your favorite thing about being a part of The Academy? 

The academy course tailored to closely match the experience of working inside a studio is something unique and valuable to the students. The interaction between management, coordinator, trainer, and students are seamless to deliver the best learning experience as possible 

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to work on award-winning projects.