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Inside Technicolor | Adrianna Cohen, SVP Global Head of Production at Mikros Animation

July 18, 2022

We’re lifting the lid on what it’s like to work Inside Technicolor. Adrianna Cohen tells us how she got into the animation industry and her experience as a SVP, Global Head of Production since starting at Mikros Animation in March 2021. Keep reading to hear what piece of advice she would give to her younger self.

Why did you get into the animation industry? 

I have always worked in entertainment. I turned to my father when I was 5 and pointed to the tv screen and said, I am going to do that! I went to film school and have been working in entertainment ever since.  I started in Live Action and migrated to Animation when the opportunity presented itself. I love all forms of storytelling but Animation- a world where everything is created- is inspiring.

Tell us about your favorite project from Mikros Animation and why you’ve chosen it?

I joined Mikros in March 2021. As animation projects take 2-3 years to complete, I have not finished a project to identify a favorite. At this moment, the two projects that are the closest to completion are Ozi and Tiger’s Apprentice. Ozi is a beautiful film with a beautiful message. It is a story of an Orangutang, Ozi, that loses his home and family due to deforestation. In a journey to find his family, he brings awareness to the deforestation happening around him. Tiger’s Apprentice is an action-packed animation with amazing visuals. I am proud of being part of both films and watch our amazing teams produce great work.

If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

The first piece of advice I would give myself is: to accept this journey as a long road of ups and downs.  I would remind myself, you cannot control any aspect of it, so just enjoy the ride. The second piece of advice I would borrow from Yoda: Do or do not, there is no try. 

What excites you the most about working at Technicolor Group?

Mikros Animation is the largest animation studio in the world. I do not believe any other vendor animation studio generates the high level of quality our artists turn out. It’s humbling to be part of this great team.

Are there any trends in the industry inspiring you right now?

The technology is improving at an incredible rate. Our ability to create uniquely beautiful animation is getting easier and easier. This allows all the ideas, previously not achievable to come to life. I can’t wait to see what worlds we and others will produce.

What are your predictions for the world of animation specialty in 5 years? 

The movement to streaming providers has created a demand never seen before. Everything is changing. This is a great opportunity for Mikros Animation and all the people working in this field. Thus, the need for resources is going to drive opportunities for every artist in every corner of the globe. As a studio, we will have to figure out how to get to them, train them and make them part of our family. 

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